We live in a privileged age where we have all information in all formats available right at our fingertips. Honestly, that can be quite overwhelming!
Our mission is to simplify the search for quality information and help you on your journey to seek Truth.
As you can imagine, there is no human that gets it all right all of the time. Though we have invested hours of listening, watching, and reading everything we share, please don’t take a person’s place on this site as a full endorsement of all their teaching.
Social Media
These are great for visual learners (with graphics, images, and animation) and if you just want to see the face of the person talking to you.

Melissa Dougherty
Ex-new ager, Melissa, conducts compelling interviews with people from different backgrounds who have left alternative lifestyles behind – Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, homosexuality, the New Age, etc.

Allen does a great job presenting issues in a non-judgemental and informative way. He’s really good at getting to the point quickly.
The Bible Project
THIS is the ultimate resource for visual learners. These guys have put together outstanding explainer videos for EVERY book of the Bible as well as tons of others that explain different Biblical concepts.

Whaddo You Meme?
Jon McCray tackles current events, breaks them to the core issue, and puts it through the filter of Truth – all in usually less than 20 minutes.

Cross Examined
Frank Turek is a master debater, he spends a lot of time holding talks on college campuses. He has dozens of clips of his discourse with students, usually just a few minutes long.

Red Pen Logic
Tim Barnett (a.k.a. Mr. B) is on a mission to correct bad thinking with good/logical thinking. He accomplishes his goal with humor, engaging illustrations, and succinct knowledge.

Mike Winger
Pastor Mike has a talent for digging deep into whatever issue he takes up, whether it be different cults or church history. He is very much a teacher but the type of teacher that actually makes things clear.

Alisa Childers
Alisa specializes in understanding all aspects of progressive Christianity – a false teaching that is sneaking its way into the church.
Her interviews are wonderfully done and very respectful.

Think Biblically
Sean McDowell is the son of an apologist, university professor of apologetics, and has mastered the skill of interacting with people of a different belief than him in a tremendously respectful way. His interviews/debates with atheists are some of the best out there.

One For Israel
This channel shares powerful testimonies of ethnic Jews who came to see Jesus as Messiah. I dare you not to be moved by their stories!

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Check back often, more content will be added as it is discovered and vetted.
Great for audible learners or if you don’t have a lot of free time and want to multi-task – listen in the car or while working.

Stand To Reason
Greg and all the people at STR teach people to think more logically and express their thoughts clearly while always presenting truth. His podcasts are about an hour long and tackle multiple questions in one show.

Natasha Crain
Natasha is a gifted communicator, her books are full of valuable info (see below) and her podcasts handle relevant topics quickly and thoroughly in a very understandable and applicable way.

Alisa Childers
Alisa specializes in understanding all aspects of progressive Christianity – a false teaching that is sneaking its way into the church.
Her interviews are wonderfully done and very respectful.

Mama Bear Apologetics
The ladies at Mama Bear are superb at breaking down current and past events, cutting straight to the point, and giving solid practical advice and perspective.

Cross Examined
Franks focuses on presenting logical, philosophical, and scientific evidence that proves God exists. Most of his podcasts are interviews with expert authors – they are a wealth of information.

The Bible Is Dope
This podcast is cheeky and meant to make people laugh AND think. It is inspired by their desire to help folks who don’t know what to think or where to start with the Bible.

Greg and Amy are a part of Stand to Reason, they strive to teach people to think more logically and express their thoughts clearly while always presenting truth. Episodes last about 20 minutes and usually handle 1-3 questions.

Bible Project Podcast
From the creators of the amazing Bible Project videos, this podcast dives deep into making sense of biblical themes, understanding, and other topical topics. Episodes will include a lot of discussion between multiple people.

Think Biblically
Sean McDowell is the son of an apologist, university professor of apologetics, and presents his content in such a respectful and insightful way. His podcasts are roughly 30 minutes long and cover a variety of issues concerning faith and culture.

J. Warner Wallace
Nationally renowned cold-case detective Wallace uses his decades-long career skills to investigate the truth claims about Jesus, God, and the Bible. His claims are fascinating!

John Dickson takes on misunderstandings within cultures, history, faith, and more. This is a very well done show with episodes lasting about an hour. This one is a new favorite! He does hold an old earth belief.

A program that explores the impact of cults from a theological perspective. Great interviews, usually covers one topic/story over a series of episodes.

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Check back often, more content will be added as it is discovered and vetted.
Each of these books have months and years of research and expertise behind them. Most are available to purchase in multiple formats as well as to rent on Hoopla (your local library app for digital/audio content).

J. Warner Wallace
Wallace is a nationally renowned cold-case homicide detective. He was an atheist until he decided to treat Jesus’ life and death as a cold case. The evidence he found was overwhelming, it was no longer possible not to believe.

Person of Interest
Here Wallace shows that Jesus is the singular most influential person to have ever lived. With hundreds of graphics and images, this book gives in-depth knowledge of all the areas Jesus has influenced the world throughout history.

Natasha Crain
My number ONE recommendation for books (especially for parents).
She takes the hard quesions/issues and breaks them down into bite-sized easy-to-understand chunks. You’ll come away from these books with more understanding yourself as well as feeling ready to have these discussions with others.

Case for Christ
True story of how investigative journalist Lee Strobel came to know that the historical accounts of a man named Jesus are real and packed with solid evidence for a strong conviction of faith in what the Bible claims to be true.

Don't Have Enough Faith
The authors show how it actually takes MORE faith to believe there is no God than that there is one. A thought provoking work and worth the read if you have doubts or will encounter an atheist.

Case for a Creator
Lee Strobel interviews top scientists in their respective fields and gives a thorough yet not too over-your-head synopsis of many of the proofs and evidences for a creator, specifically the God of the Bible.

Master question-asker, Greg Koukl teaches how to have effective, respectful, and productive converstations with others, especially those whose beliefs differ from your own. His tactics in this book help ease your fears about having these types of conversations too.

World Religions Handbook
A ton of well thought out information that doesn’t feel like a dry textbook. This book provides not only factual info on each religion/worldview but also personalized stories – best of both worlds.

Another Gospel?
A few years back Alisa found herself being led away from historical Christianity and into a different gospel. She works diligently to expose this false teaching that is overtaking America known as Progressive Christianity.

Bullies & Saints
John does a fantasic job of sharing the history of Christianity – no sugar-coating, dressing up, or brushing under the rug. He tells it like it is and does it in a very engaging way. If you like an Aussie accent, you’ll want to listen to the audiobook.

Evidence That Demands A Verdict
This is no small work! McDowell and his son have filled this volume to the brim with useful and thoroughly well indexed information. Read it cover-to-cover or use it as a reference.

Mama Bear Apologetics
More than an intro to apologetics, this book helps equip parents (or anyone working with young people) to have a mind that leans more towards critical thinking and how to teach that to your children.

Where God Came Down
This one is not just for the history and archeology enthusiasts. It’s structured a little more like a textbook but the chapters are short with plenty of pictures, diagrams, and historical and Biblical information. The mainstream would have us believe that the Biblical accounts are not verifiable – this book proves otherwise.

The God Hypothesis
This book may be more interesting for a science buff but either way it is very well written and engaging. And the information the Meyer gives shows that the science world cannot truthfully deny God.

On Guard
Review/blurb coming soon.

Mama Bear Apologetics - Guide to Sexuality
An absolute MUST HAVE for parents (specifically Christian ones). Get it early on in parenthood so that you can be prepared for when the conversations start. They cover a wide range of topics. Moms and dads, we cannot sit on the sidelines for this issue when it comes to raising our kiddos – not in this day and age.

Faithfully Different
In this book Natasha clearly explains what a Christian/Biblical worldview truly is and how it differs from other major worldviews today specifically secularism. This book will help grow your understanding of what it means to say you’re a Christ follower in this world.

Gay Girl, Good God
Jackie Hill Perry shares her story of coming out of an active homosexual life and how God redeemed her heart and mind.
Here is a sampling of the top tools to help your searching and learning reach its fullest potential.
Blue Letter Bible
Read multiple versions of the Bible, there are dictionaries, concordences (to look up a word in its original Hebrew or Greek), and an assortment of commentaries. Use all these helps for a deeper understanding of what you’re reading.

The Bible Recap
This is more than just a Bible reading plan, Tara Leigh Cobble walks with you 365 days and gives a 5-10 minutes recap of what you have read for the day. It’s like hanging out with your best friend every day. You will learn and grow so much.

The Bible App
Have access to dozens of Bible versions, easily guided reading plans, and devotionals. You can highlight, take notes, save and share quotes, and read along with friends.
The Bible Project
The artists and teachers at The Bible Project have launched a new app. With guided journeys and movements you will dive deep into the beauty and richness of the Word at your own pace.

Stay Tuned
Check back often, more content will be added as it is discovered and vetted.
Search these sites for wealths of information on so many different issues. These are great for going deeper into specific topics.

Stand to Reason
Greg and everyone at STR teach people to think more logically and express their thoughts clearly while always presenting truth. Most of the articles on this site are to the point with a good amount of supporting info without being too long.

Answers in Genesis
If you have questions about the physical world or science, this website has been tackling this realm for YEARS and has lots of info.

Koinonia House
The ladies at Mama Bear are superb at breaking down current and past events, cutting straight to the point, and giving solid practical advice and perspective.

The Berean Test
This is a great site to gather more insight on Christian music lyrics. Sadly music can be a tool to spread false teachings – always guard the gates to your mind, test everything against the Word.

Foundation Worldview
Elizabeth Urbanowitz teaches kids critical thinking in a solid way. Most adults would benefit from her teachings too 😉 Be sure to sign up with your email to get access to her free (and phenomenal) webinars.

Stay Tuned
More resources will be added as we find and vet them.
Music is a very powerful tool – for good and for evil. These artists strive to provide biblically sound theology with solid musical talent.

Aryn Michelle
The Realest Thing is an album of many of the questions we all have. Aryn provides these questions and answers through mezmoring music.

This group does a really cool thing, they sing whole books of the Bible. The music they compose is beautiful, eclectic, and moving.
Shane & Shane
This album is straight from scripture and aimed at leading families into a deeper understanding of God and the Word. Check out their video study series to go along with it too.

Ghost Ship

Rivers & Robots


Stay Tuned
More artists will be added as they are discovered.
Being able to discuss your questions, doubts, fears, and findings is so important. Groups like these are safe places to form valuable connections with others searching for truth like you.

Stay Tuned
Check back often, more content will be added as it is discovered and vetted.
Final Word
Finally, we can’t cover everything and everyone so if you have a resource you think should be included, please email us and we will happily check them out for addition.
Still have questions?
Need prayer?
Social Media
Memes, reels, and various other social meida posts are hugely impactful. These profiles are creating SOLID content.
Women in Apologetics
The WIA contributors’ greatest strength is in summing up books and deep concepts into quick and easy-to-understand bytes. If you don’t/can’t read tons of books but want the info – follow them.
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Honest Youth Pastor
Michael Moore has made a comedic art of satirizing hot button issues within society and the church. His hilarious memes and deeply pointed posts will leave you laughing and learning.
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Sean McDowell
This apologetics professor boils down weighty concepts to simple and straight-to-the-point posts. His social media content (like the rest of his materials) is insightful and useful.
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Red Pen Logic
Tim Barnett (a.k.a. Mr. B) is on a mission to correct bad thinking with good/logical thinking. He accomplishes his goal with humor, engaging illustrations, and succinct knowledge.
A program that explores the impact of cults from a theological perspective. The podcast has full interviews but their posts and reels give great tidbits of insight.
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Justin Brierley
Author of Unbelievable?, Justin dedicates his time to addressing and breaking down objections and misunderstandings about God and the Christian faith. His reels are very informative.
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