Seek Truth Here

There is peace when strivings cease.
Seek TRUTH and you will find.

The Questions

Under each card we invite you to click the links.  Choose whichever media you prefer, check out all three, or for even more information, click “Dig Deeper” and we’ll redirect you to a whole page of curated resources for that specific topic.
*Dig Deeper pages coming soon!

Take Care What You Believe.

It Makes All The Difference.

Belief is profoundly important, so we must go to great pains to know WHAT we believe and WHY we believe it.  Whether you’ve been a “Christian” all your life, new in the faith, never cared to think about it, or strongly oppose anything to do with the God of the Bible – you can benefit from the information on this site.
Our mission here, is to provide quick and easy access to some of the greatest resources available today for responding to questions about God, the Bible, and Christian worldview.  We have spent countless hours pouring over sources in order to provide you with an abundance of accurate, engaging, and intelligent curated  materials.
May the God of peace be with you as you seek TRUTH here.

Commit, Grow, & Deepen Your Knowledge Of What Is True.

Are the scriptures dry and disconnected for you?  Do you end in frustration or confusion when you open the Bible?  In recent years, through new media, many artists and teachers have created new ways of encountering the ancient texts.

Favorite Resources

Go to our resources page where we break down all of these content providers so you can know what they are all about and check out the ones that appeal to you the most.  Below are just SOME of our favorites.

Still have questions?

Need prayer?

15 + 14 =